Tuesday, December 31, 2013


With the popularity of online social networking services such as Twitter, Vatican decided to use twitter to communicate further with the people around the world especially with the Catholics. So they created a twitter account - https://twitter.com/pontifex - for the Supreme Pontiff. The first pope who used the account was Pope Benedict XVI. But now he is replaced by Pope Francis.

Pope Francis started tweeting on March 17, 2013. As of December 31, the pope has over three million four hundred thousand followers worldwide, and these numbers are growing each minute.

Here are some of the tweets of Pope Francis that I find enlightening, inspiring and interesting with their corresponding dates:

Click the dates and you will be linked to the actual tweets of Pope Francis.

True power is service. The Pope must serve all people, especially the poor, the weak, the vulnerable. 

Support your priests with your love and prayers, that they may always be shepherds after Christ's heart.

Accept the risen Jesus into your life. Even if you have been far away, take a small step towards him: he awaits you with open arms.

How beautiful is the gaze with which Jesus regards us - how full of tenderness! Let us never lose trust in the patience and mercy of God.

Let us not forget: if we are to proclaim the gospel of Jesus, our lives must bear witness to what we preach.

Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you! Do not be afraid to dream of great things!

How marvelous it would be if, at the end of the day, each of us could say: today I have performed an act of charity towards others!

Dear young friends, learn from St. Joseph. He went through difficult times, but he always trusted, and he knew how to overcome adversity.

It would be a good idea, during May, for families to say the Rosary together. Prayer strengthens family life.

It is God who gives life. Let us respect and love human life, especially vulnerable life in a mother's womb.

We cannot be part-time Christians! We should seek to live our faith at every moment of every day.

On the feast of Mary Help of Christians, I join the Catholics in China who trust in the protection of Our Lady of Sheshan and I pray for them.

Miracles happen. But prayer is needed! Prayer that is courageous, struggling and persevering, not prayer that is mere formality.

We all have in our hearts some areas of unbelief. Let us say to the Lord: I believe! Help my unbelief.

Sometimes we know what we have to do, but we lack the courage to do it. Let us learn from Mary how to make decisions, trusting in the Lord.

With the "culture of waste", human life is no longer considered the primary value to be respected and protected.

Let the Church always be a place of mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved and forgiven.

Are you angry with someone? Pray for that person. That is what Christian love is. 

Christians are always full of hope; they should never get discouraged.

If we wish to follow Christ closely, we cannot choose an easy, quiet life. It will be a demanding life, but full of joy.

Never forget, young friends: The Virgin Mary is our Mother and with her help we can remain faithful to Christ.

May sports always be a means of exchange of growth, never of violence and hate.

Don't be afraid to ask God for forgiveness. He never tires of forgiving us. God is pure mercy.

With utmost firmness, I condemn the use of chemical weapons.

We ought never to lose hope. God overwhelms us with his grace. If we keep asking.

Jesus is the sun and Mary is the dawn announcing his rising. 

September 15, 2013
Seeking happiness in material things is a sure way of being unhappy.

God's forgiveness is stronger than any sin.

When we encounter the cross, we turn to Mary: Give us the strength, Mary our Mother, to accept and embrace the Cross!

Dear young people, do not be afraid of making decisive choices in life. Have faith; the Lord will not abandon you!

October 17, 2013
Our prayer cannot be reduced to an hour on Sundays. It is important to have a daily relationship with the Lord.

October 29, 2013
If money and material things become the center of our lives, they seize us and make us slaves.

November 9, 2013
I ask all of you to join me in prayer for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda especially those in the beloved islands of the Philippines.

To be saints is not a privilege for a few, but a vocation for everyone. 

November 29, 2013
It is hard to forgive others. Lord, grand us your mercy, so that we can always forgive.

December 14, 2013
This is Christian hope: that the future is in God's hands.

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